Friday 24 February 2017

Editor's code Regulations

Image result for editors code of practiceThis regulation would affect my magazine production because the target audience that I have chosen can be effected. With the editor’s code, there are sixteen rules that need to be followed if there is a new magazine production.

There are steps that can affect the age group I have chosen, for example, the sixth step is about children, to have a magazine that is appropriate and comfortable for them to read. The age group I chose is 15 to 20; this implies that the sixth step refers to the audience that reads my magazine. My magazine production includes appropriate features e.g. images that are suitable to put on my magazine pages. Another reason of how this regulation may affect my magazine production, is the editor of the magazine, I am following all the steps. It is crucial to follow all the steps that matches the audience’s expectations. The other step that may affect my magazine production is accuracy, if my magazine doesn’t include reliability features such as if my text doesn’t match my images, this wouldn’t be an accurate action. By the editor including matching features, this meets the expectation of the Independent press standard Organization. If I meet the editor’s code, this will allow me to meet the reader’s presumption. 

Saturday 18 February 2017

Independent Press Standard Organisations

Image result for independent press standards organisation
The independent Press Standard Organisation is a regulator for magazine and newspaper in the UK. The purpose of Independent Press Organisation is to hold high standards of journalism for their expression of freedom. The independent Press Standard Organisation works by making sure it follows the Editor’s Code, this means for example the Editors’ code would be followed if they have agreed to follow it. They have the responsibility to follow the steps of the code and make sure it’s completed in the right way.These will be the steps to follow to successfully complete my research, planning and production.

The first step is accuracy, this means the press should not publish inaccurate features such as images that don’t support the text.

 The second step is privacy, this suggests that everyone will be entitled to a private life. It is always essential to put a photograph of an individual without their permission

. The third step is harassment, this means they must not be questioning or telephoning after the individual decided to desist.

 The fourth step is intrusion into grief or shock, this includes approaches that must be made with sympathy and handled crucially.

Step five is reporting suicide, this suggests that while reporting a suicide there should avoid immoderate detail, by noticing and taking in account the media right to report legal actions.

The sixth step is children, all school pupil should be comfortable and free to complete their time at school, and the editor will crucially need to know the position of their parent before publishing a child’s private life.

The seventh step is that children in sex cases, for example is a child that has been involved in a case that involves sex offences that child legally wouldn’t be able to be involved. Also the child’s identity wouldn’t be able to be identified.

The eighth step is Hospitals, this suggests that journalists must identify themselves before entering no public areas of a hospital.

The ninth step is reporting of crime, Friends or pupils related to them should not be accused of crime and generally should not be identified without their consent.

The tenth step is clandestine devices and subterfuge, the press should not publish features that was gathered by using hidden camera, or accessing information without consent.

The eleventh step is victims of sexual assault, the press must not identify victims and publish features that can be identification.

The twelve step is discrimination, the press must not include reference to an individually by their race, colour, religion, sex, gender, identity and any physical disability.

The thirteenth step is financial journalism, this suggests that journalists should not use their own profit to gather information and then pass on the information to others.

The fourteenth step is confidential sources, journalists have the responsibility to protect private sources of information.

The fifteenth step is witness payments in criminal trials, editors are not allowed to offer payment to any person who may be later be called as a witness.

The sixteenth step is payment to criminals, payments or offers or for any information must be made directly that may include family or friends.

Wednesday 8 February 2017

Font types research

Typography and font styles are the art of lettering based on the style and size. How important, it conveys how it can change how a title sequence looks like and the fonts fit the genre specifically of what has to be shown.

Image result for fashion magazines


This is taken from a fashion magazine, which implies the bright colors used to suit the fashion concept.

Image result for sports magazines

This is taken from a sport magazine which suggests the different typography used to attract the audience. 

Image result for game  magazines
This is taken from a game magazine. The math’s head is clear, white to draw the audience to see the math’s head


Image result for hip hop magazineThis is an example of a Hip-Hop music genre. This is an example of a Hip-Hop music genre. The colour yellow contrast with the black colour. The bold font type has centered the magazine front cover.
The colour yellow contrast with the black colour. The bold font type has centered the magazine front cover.

Image result for rap magazine

This is also an example of a music magazine, rap music genre. The math’s head used two colour's which sets out an original look to the audience. With a rap magazine I was expecting dark colour's, however the editor for this magazine used two colours. Which suggests the two similar colour's the editor wanted to use.

Image result for classical music magazine

A last example of a music magazine is classical music genre. The concept of classical music is a relaxing music. With the math’s head one colour has been used which suggests the concept of classical music.

1. Susan (
With this font type, I would like to use this for the main headline. This is because it makes the writing look original and stand out from the other text.
2. Sweet Sensations (
With this font type, I would use this for my math’s head or maybe my contents page title. I may use this font type to get the audience intrigued.  

3. Tasty Birds (
With this font type, I may use it for my double page. This typography may be used to add a unique effect to create a magazine that look different from other music magazines.

For my magazine cover I used ‘Sweet Sensations’ for my math’s head. I used the colour red to suit the Hip-Hop music genre.  The size of the math’s head is 100 pixels which I think it's a suitable size for the maths head.

For my main headline, magazine front cover I used Susan typography. I used the colour red and white. The colour is the continuous of House style, which suggests the continuous colour scheme and suggests to the reader of the same colours I'm using throughout my magazine pages.

For the slogan, I used the font Retro graph. I used the colour white to contrast with the red background. This font type adds an original effect to my media product and suggests to the reader that the slogan was meant to stand out, from the other texts.

Hand-Drawn design

 These are the images of my hand-drawn design. I think my hand-drawn follows the codes and conventions. Firstly, for each person I d...